Do Pets Get Allergies? True or False? True! Did you know that pets can suffer from allergies just like humans? However, unlike humans who show symptoms like sneezing, coughing, and itchy eyes, pets usually exhibit allergic reactions through their skin. This can lead...
Hiking is a great way to enjoy the outdoors and get some exercise, but it’s important to take precautions against ticks. These little critters can carry disease, so it’s important to know how to protect yourself and your pet from them. Check out this post...
If you’re a pet owner, you know that allergies are no fun for either you or your furry friend. But did you know that spring is the worst time of year for allergies? Here, we’ll provide tips on how to help minimize your pet’s symptoms. By following...
May is Pet Cancer Awareness Month, and while we should be aware of cancer all year long, this month provides a time to specifically focus on the issue. Unfortunately, cancer is incredibly common in pets. However, early detection and treatment can improve prognoses...
April 29: The Day Dedicated to Hairballs Did you know there is a day dedicated to hairballs? As a cat owner, you likely don’t need a special day to draw attention to your cat’s hairballs, but April 29 is National Hairball Awareness Day. Let’s take a closer look at why...
It Pays to Be Prepared: How to Pack a Pet First Aid Kit Your furry pal is surrounded by hazards every day. Sometimes, these hazards can cause a life-threatening or fatal condition if not treated quickly enough, which is where pet first aid comes into play. In honor of...